Any questions?
Hamilton’s rule1 Hamilton (1964) : r*B > C
Example: Vikings2 Dunbar et al. (1995) and nobility.3 McCullough et al. (2006)
Example: Isometric skiing exercise4 Madsen et al. (2007)
Example: Some of my own work, for example5 Pollet et al. (2013)
Which 3 things did you spot?
What is the ‘Cinderella effect’?
Which 3 things did you spot?
Can you explain the concept of paternity uncertainty?
Have a look at this news article - This needs access to Micrsoft teams to our.
Have a look at this paper. Underlying paper.6 Volk & Quinsey (2007)
How do you find papers?
Summarize the method used.
The news paper article cites a non-paternity number of 1.6 to 3.3%, it also cites a 10% number. What is the evidence for those numbers? Where do these numbers come from?
Is this robust? Check.7 Alvergne et al. (2014)
Alvergne, A., Perreau, F., Mazur, A., Mueller, U., & Raymond, M. (2014). Identification of visual paternity cues in humans. Biology Letters, 10(4), 20140063–20140063.
Dunbar, R. I. M., Clark, A., & Hurst, N. L. (1995). Conflict and cooperation among the Vikings: Contingent behavioral decisions. Ethology and Sociobiology, 16(3), 233–246.
Hamilton, W. (1964). The genetical evolution of social behaviour. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7(1), 1–52.
Madsen, E. A., Tunney, R. J., Fieldman, G., Plotkin, H. C., Dunbar, R. I. M., Richardson, J. M., & McFarland, D. (2007). Kinship and altruism: A cross-cultural experimental study. British Journal of Psychology, 98, 339–359.
McCullough, J. M., Heath, K. M., & Fields, J. D. (2006). Culling the cousins: Kingship, kinship, and competition in mid-millennial England. The History of the Family, 11(1), 59–66.
Pollet, T. V., Roberts, S. G. B., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2013). Going That Extra Mile: Individuals Travel Further to Maintain Face-to-Face Contact with Highly Related Kin than with Less Related Kin. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e53929.
Volk, A. A., & Quinsey, V. L. (2007). Parental Investment and Resemblance: Replications, Refinements, and Revisions. Evolutionary Psychology, 5(1), 147470490700500.