class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Intro : PY 0794 - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods ] .author[ ### Dr. Thomas Pollet, Northumbria University (
) ] .date[ ### 2025-01-06 |
] --- ## PY0794: Advanced Quantitative research methods. * Change introduced a couple of years ago. -- * Worksheets to provide you additional support. -- * Class time focused on practice. <img src="" width="300px" /> --- ## Some reassurance. * Statistics is hard, no way around it. This course is about applying it. -- * You will be challenged - as most of you will not have had any engagement in programming. -- * If you engage, make the exercises, you will be alright! The worst thing: stop engaging. <img src="" width="300px" /> --- ## Housekeeping <img src="" width="300px" /> Course manual. Reading list. Attendance. / Be punctual. / Be engaged. Exercise after each lecture. Keep up! Appointment via: --- ## Assignments The bit you care about most: marks. -- 30% each (remaining 40% Qual. components) Deadlines: see Turnitin briefs (1pm) / MRes. Handbook. Graded via rubrics Empty .rmd shell which you will turn into a .pdf Screenshot + .pdf + .rmd --- ## Assignments (bis) Complete the exercises in class (+ any bonus), you can find them under 'Learning resources'. Questions via elearning environment, _but_ only if you attempted the corresponding exercise. <img src="" width="300px" /> --- ## Today. - Who has installed Rstudio + R? -- - Who has completed the preparation? -- - Group allocation. <img src="" width="300px" /> --- ## Acknowledgments. These slides were built with [xaringan](