class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Lecture 3: PY 0794 - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods ] .author[ ### Dr. Thomas Pollet, Northumbria University (
) ] .date[ ### 2025-01-06 |
] --- ## PY0794: Advanced Quantitative research methods. Last week: All about visualization. Today: ANOVA --- ## Goals (today) * ANOVA and its variants -- * Non-parametric alternatives. --- ## Assignment After today you should be able to complete the following sections: * ANOVA / ANCOVA / MANOVA -- * Non-parametric alternatives to these. --- ## ANOVA Raise your hand if you have never conducted an ANOVA. Analysis of Variance. <img src="" width="600px" /> --- ## Back to basics: Variance. A note on notation: `$$\sigma^2, s^2, var(X)$$` -- A measure of **variability** -- Can you name other measures? -- We can calculate it for a _sample_ but usually we want to infer this for a _population_. -- Remember `$$SD=\sqrt{variance}$$` --- ## Why would you need an ANOVA? We want to compare differences between two or **more** means. -- Why not simply run a bunch of _t_-tests? -- Type I error! (a lot of type I errors) --- ## How does it work? Imagine a study with three groups --> three means: `\(\bar x_1, \bar x_2, \bar x_3\)` -- We want to find out if those significantly differ. -- Grand mean: `\(\bar x_g\)` --- ## Formulae (for your reference) Within- and Between- Sum of Squares (SS) -- Mean square within (with 3 samples): `$$M_{WithinSS}=\dfrac{\sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2 + \sigma_3^2}3$$` -- Mean square between: `$$M_{BetweenSS}= \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n (\bar x_i - \bar x_g)^2}{N-1}$$` with N-1. -- Basic gist: if between > within evidence for an effect! --- ## F-test `$$F= \dfrac{M_{BetweenSS}}{M_{WithinSS}}$$` look up corresponding degrees of freedom. Compare significance. --- ## Assumptions. Dependent variable is interval. -- Independent observation (more about this when we discuss multilevel models). -- Normally distributed for each category of the Independent variable. -- [Homogeneity of variance]( <img src="" width="350px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Time for a new dataset? Go to []( Direct [link]( -- Download the SPSS dataset to your working folder -- Open the SPSS dataset. --- ## Load data. Three groups (Asians (international), Asian Americans, European Americans), NEO PI-R. Read more [here]( ``` r setwd("~/Dropbox/Teaching_MRes_Northumbria/Lecture3") require(haven) data<-read_spss("Iwasaki_Personality_Data.sav", user_na=T) ``` --- ## Skim ``` r require(skimr) skim(data) ``` Table: Data summary | | | |:------------------------|:----| |Name |data | |Number of rows |205 | |Number of columns |7 | |_______________________ | | |Column type frequency: | | |numeric |7 | |________________________ | | |Group variables |None | **Variable type: numeric** |skim_variable | n_missing| complete_rate| mean| sd| p0| p25| p50| p75| p100|hist | |:-------------|---------:|-------------:|------:|------:|--:|-----:|---:|-----:|----:|:-----| |ID | 2| 0.99| 369.98| 256.78| 1| 51.5| 527| 577.5| 628|▅▁▁▁▇ | |GRP | 2| 0.99| 0.91| 0.80| 0| 0.0| 1| 2.0| 2|▇▁▇▁▆ | |N | 0| 1.00| 95.91| 23.17| 0| 81.0| 97| 110.0| 192|▁▂▇▂▁ | |E | 0| 1.00| 116.53| 22.09| 0| 103.0| 117| 130.0| 192|▁▁▇▇▁ | |O | 0| 1.00| 116.22| 20.57| 0| 104.0| 115| 127.0| 192|▁▁▇▇▁ | |A | 0| 1.00| 113.75| 20.61| 0| 103.0| 115| 127.0| 192|▁▁▇▇▁ | |C | 0| 1.00| 111.62| 20.81| 0| 98.0| 112| 124.0| 192|▁▁▇▆▁ | --- ## Reduced set. 2 missings. Remove this, find out the codings. ``` r require(dplyr) require(labelled) # use this to turn into a factor data$GRP<-to_factor(data$GRP) #GRP is dbl+lbl # missings are Not a number. data_no_miss<-dplyr::filter(data, GRP!='NaN') levels(data_no_miss$GRP) ``` ``` ## [1] "European Americans" "Asian Internationals" "Asian Americans" ``` --- ## Openness to Experience. Test whether groups differ in Openness to Experience (O) based on their culture. <img src="" width="450px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Assumption Checks. Non-independent observations = check! Interval dependent = check! Normality --> Plot Homogeneity of variance. --- ## Plot Look back at week 2 to make this a more beautiful plot! Mostly people would look at the _overall_ plot, but ideally one would check plots for each group. ``` r require(ggplot2) plot_hist <- ggplot(data_no_miss, aes(x=O)) plot_hist <- plot_hist+ geom_histogram(colour = "black", fill = "white") plot_hist ``` <img src="Lecture3-xaringan_files/figure-html/opts_chunk$set(out.width=50)-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Plot facets. ``` r plot_hist_facet <- ggplot(data_no_miss, aes(x=O)) plot_hist_facet <- plot_hist_facet+geom_histogram(colour = "black", fill = "white") plot_hist_facet + facet_wrap(~GRP) ``` <img src="Lecture3-xaringan_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Normality What do you think? --- ## Fairly Robust. Remember central limit theorem! <img src="" width="500px" /> --- ## Other approaches: Shapiro-Wilk Not significant --> retain null hypothesis, not significantly different from normal distribution. -- ``` r data_eur<-filter(data_no_miss, GRP=='European Americans') data_asian_i<-filter(data_no_miss, GRP=='Asian Internationals') data_asian_a<-filter(data_no_miss, GRP=='Asian Americans') # You would do this for all 3! shapiro.test(data_asian_a$O) ``` ``` ## ## Shapiro-Wilk normality test ## ## data: data_asian_a$O ## W = 0.96901, p-value = 0.1584 ``` --- ## Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Beware K-S test: easily significant! -- ``` r ks.test(data_asian_a$O, "pnorm") #pnorm --> normal distribution ``` ``` ## ## Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ## ## data: data_asian_a$O ## D = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16 ## alternative hypothesis: two-sided ``` --- ## Visual checks. Recommendation check normality visually! (histogram / violin plot / ...) Think back to the 'Datasaurus'. <img src="INSTA.jpg" width="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Variety of other options. ??nortest package. Read the vignette and references. Anderson-Darling test. Cramer-von Mises test. Lilliefors test (K-S) (correction of K-S). Shapiro-Francia test. Jarque Bera test (+ adjusted). --- ## Homogeneity of variance. Bartlett's test - assumes normality. -- If significant could also point to deviation in normality as opposed to violation of the assumption of homogeneity of variance. -- ``` r bartlett.test(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) ``` ``` ## ## Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances ## ## data: O by GRP ## Bartlett's K-squared = 3.1821, df = 2, p-value = 0.2037 ``` --- ## Levene's test. [Levene's test]( does not assume normality. ``` r require(car) # package which does test require(dplyr) # It needs to be a factor but already is! leveneTest(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) ``` ``` ## Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median) ## Df F value Pr(>F) ## group 2 1.7076 0.1839 ## 200 ``` --- ## Outcome of assumption checks. Assumptions are upheld here! Sample write up: Visual inspection suggested that the distribution of the dependent variable is close to normal. A Levene's test suggests that the assumption of homogeneity of variances is not violated, _F_(2,200) = 1.71, _p_= .18) We can move on to ANOVA! <img src="" width="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Kurtosis/Skewness. As an aside: you could mention, the platykurtosis in the Asian American group. (In your assignment I would count both correct in this case). <img src="" width="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="*hxVvqttoCSkUT2_R1zA0Tg.gif" width="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Try it yourself. Test the assumptions for an ANOVA with Extraversion (E) and group as independent variable. <img src="" width="500px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## ANOVA. [Many ways to do an ANOVA.]( Why this matters will become clearer when we discuss Types of Sums of Squares. --- ## aov() Analysis of variance. ``` r Anova1<-aov(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) summary(Anova1) ``` ``` ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## GRP 2 8774 4387 15.05 8.13e-07 *** ## Residuals 200 58284 291 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## lm(): Linear model. ``` r Anova2<-lm(O~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) summary(Anova2) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = O ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -41.400 -11.982 -0.982 11.828 41.600 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 113.400 1.971 57.529 < 2e-16 *** ## GRPAsian Internationals -2.039 2.817 -0.724 0.47 ## GRPAsian Americans 13.582 3.015 4.505 1.13e-05 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 17.07 on 200 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.1308, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1222 ## F-statistic: 15.05 on 2 and 200 DF, p-value: 8.126e-07 ``` --- ## F-test. summary prints parameter tests but should you be after the _F_-test. -- ``` r anova(Anova2) ``` ``` ## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Response: O ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## GRP 2 8774 4387.0 15.054 8.126e-07 *** ## Residuals 200 58284 291.4 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## Drop1. For your reference. drop1 can also get you some relevant key info. Don't worry about [AIC]( for now. It is a model fit statistic (lower = better). More about this when we discuss multilevel models. ``` r drop1(Anova2) # some additional info. ??drop1 ``` ``` ## Single term deletions ## ## Model: ## O ~ GRP ## Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC ## <none> 58284 1155.0 ## GRP 2 8774 67058 1179.4 ``` --- ## ez Package Best bet for replicating SPSS results! ``` r require(ez) Ez_ANOVA1<-ezANOVA(data_no_miss, dv=O, wid=ID, between=GRP, detailed=TRUE) ``` ``` r Ez_ANOVA1 ``` ``` ## $ANOVA ## Effect DFn DFd SSn SSd F p p<.05 ges ## 1 GRP 2 200 8773.973 58283.59 15.05393 8.125554e-07 * 0.1308424 ## ## $`Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance` ## DFn DFd SSn SSd F p p<.05 ## 1 2 200 356.9336 20903.13 1.707561 0.18394 ``` --- ## ges? Effect size measure! -- ges= Generalized Eta-Squared. `\(\eta^2_g\)` . There is also _partial_ `\(\eta^2\)`. Read more [here]( -- How to do Greek symbols and mathematical functions? [here]( or check the .rmd for this lecture. --- ## Omega squared and partial omega squared. If you are up for a challenge. You can figure out how to calculate this effect size measure on your own!. <img src="" width="380px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Write up. A one-way ANOVA showed a significant effect of cultural group on openness to experience *F*(2, 200) = 15.05, *p* < .0001, `\(\eta^2_g\)` = .13. --- ## Store results ``` r require(apaTables) apa.aov.table(Anova1, filename="APA_Anova_Table.doc", table.number = 1) ``` ``` ## ## ## Table 1 ## ## ANOVA results using O as the dependent variable ## ## ## Predictor SS df MS F p partial_eta2 ## (Intercept) 964467.00 1 964467.00 3309.57 .000 ## GRP 8773.97 2 4386.98 15.05 .000 .13 ## Error 58283.59 200 291.42 ## CI_90_partial_eta2 ## ## [.06, .20] ## ## ## Note: Values in square brackets indicate the bounds of the 90% confidence interval for partial eta-squared ``` --- ## Post-hoc tests. Where does the difference lie? <img src="" width="350px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Post-hoc tests. ``` r resultTukey<-TukeyHSD(Anova1) resultTukey ``` ``` ## Tukey multiple comparisons of means ## 95% family-wise confidence level ## ## Fit: aov(formula = O ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss) ## ## $GRP ## diff lwr upr p adj ## Asian Internationals-European Americans -2.038889 -8.689634 4.611856 0.7496332 ## Asian Americans-European Americans 13.582143 6.463135 20.701151 0.0000335 ## Asian Americans-Asian Internationals 15.621032 8.438902 22.803161 0.0000020 ``` --- ## Post-hoc tests: corrections. Have you heard of post-hoc corrections? Why do they exist? -- Read more [here]( and use them sensibly. -- Why Bonferroni should be abandoned (in [medicine]( and [ecology]( -- <img src="" width="300px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Make a report. Stargazer. You can make a prettier layout. By changing the variable names, etc. You can also change the labels it prints. Totally check out stargazer! ``` r require(broom) require(stargazer) # Broom turns our result into a dataframe! # We can then 'tidy' it and make a report! tidy_resultTukey<-tidy(resultTukey) stargazer(tidy_resultTukey, summary = F, type="html", out="Tukey.html") ``` --- ## apaTables Alternative. This will also have Cohen's d effect size values. ``` r require(apaTables) apa.d.table(iv=GRP, dv=O, data=data_no_miss, filename="Table_1_APA_tukey.doc", show.conf.interval=T, landscape=T, table.number = 1) ``` ``` ## ## ## Table 1 ## ## Means, standard deviations, and d-values with confidence intervals ## ## ## Variable M SD 1 2 ## 1. European Americans 113.40 17.12 ## ## 2. Asian Internationals 111.36 15.24 0.13 ## [-0.20, 0.45] ## ## 3. Asian Americans 126.98 19.11 0.75 0.92 ## [0.40, 1.11] [0.55, 1.28] ## ## ## Note. M indicates mean. SD indicates standard deviation. d-values are estimates calculated using formulas 4.18 and 4.19 ## from Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein (2009). d-values not calculated if unequal variances prevented pooling. ## Values in square brackets indicate the 95% confidence interval for each d-value. ## The confidence interval is a plausible range of population d-values ## that could have caused the sample d-value (Cumming, 2014). ## ``` --- ## Try it yourself. * Run an ANOVA with 'E' extraversion as the dependent, and group as the independent. * Conduct the post-hoc tests and export those as either .html or .docx --- ## What if we were unlucky? How would you have proceeded, if the assumptions were violated? <img src="" width="600px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Non-parametric tests. They do not assume a normal distribution but can be less powerful. Many options exist. You can read and find others (see references). <img src="" width="300px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## WRS2 package The t1way function computes a one-way ANOVA for the trimmed means. Homoscedasticity assumption not required. -- lincoln() for the posthoc tests. -- ``` r #WRS. require(WRS2) t1way(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) ``` ``` ## Call: ## t1way(formula = O ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss) ## ## Test statistic: F = 11.067 ## Degrees of freedom 1: 2 ## Degrees of freedom 2: 74.67 ## p-value: 6e-05 ## ## Explanatory measure of effect size: 0.41 ## Bootstrap CI: [0.28; 0.58] ``` --- ## t1waybt (WRS2) The t1waybt function computes a one-way ANOVA for the [_trimmed means_]( -- ``` r # Specify Between. t1waybt(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss, nboot=10000) ``` ``` ## Call: ## t1waybt(formula = O ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss, nboot = 10000) ## ## Effective number of bootstrap samples was 10000. ## ## Test statistic: 11.067 ## p-value: 2e-04 ## Variance explained: 0.191 ## Effect size: 0.437 ``` --- ## med1way (WRS2) Computes a one-way ANOVA for the medians. Homoscedasticity assumption not required. Avoid too many ties. -- ``` r # WRS, ANOVA for Medians. (note iter=) med1way(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss, iter=10000) ``` ``` ## Call: ## med1way(formula = O ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss, iter = 10000) ## ## Test statistic F: 6.6673 ## Critical value: 3.2621 ## p-value: 0.0036 ``` ``` r # analysis of Medians leads to same conclusion. ``` -- Read through WRS2 manual or Wilcox (2012) to find out more. --- ## Permutation tests. Permutation tests use random shuffles of the data to get the correct distribution of a test statistic under a null hypothesis. (No power issue by the way) -- Shuffles are not the same as bootstraps. Some assumptions do still apply (e.g., non-independence of observations). -- Read more [here]( and [here]( -- ``` r require(coin) independence_test(O ~ GRP, data=data_no_miss) ``` ``` ## ## Asymptotic General Independence Test ## ## data: O by ## GRP (European Americans, Asian Internationals, Asian Americans) ## maxT = 5.0961, p-value = 8.742e-07 ## alternative hypothesis: two.sided ``` --- ## Sample write up. A permutation test via the 'coin' package showed that there are significant differences between the three groups in Openness to Experience (maxT= 5.10, _p_< .0001). (Note post-hoc tests are currently unavailable via 'coin' but you can get them via 'rcompanion', more [here]( --- ## ANCOVA The difference is the ***C***. Covariate. -- Often we want to control for a potential confound, so suppose that you are testing a new weight loss drug. You could analyse the participant's weight at the end of the trial while partialling out their start weight. This would be an ANCOVA scenario (but [beware]( -- Beware of [Lord's paradox](’s_paradox). If one researcher calculates a change score and runs an independent samples _t_-test while the other runs an ANCOVA, don't expect the same conclusion. --- ## Important: order effects. The order in which you put in things matters!! -- ``` r # Type I errors lm_ancova<-lm(O~E+GRP, data=data_no_miss) anova(lm_ancova) ``` ``` ## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Response: O ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## E 1 8349 8348.9 34.339 1.894e-08 *** ## GRP 2 10325 5162.7 21.234 4.379e-09 *** ## Residuals 199 48383 243.1 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## Compare to previous slide! ``` r # note that the order matters for the F-tests. lm_ancova2<-lm(O~GRP+E, data=data_no_miss) anova(lm_ancova2) ``` ``` ## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Response: O ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## GRP 2 8774 4387.0 18.044 6.289e-08 *** ## E 1 9900 9900.3 40.720 1.209e-09 *** ## Residuals 199 48383 243.1 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## More about Types of errors later. Type I,II,III errors. -- For now, you should be aware that type of errors matters (I,II,III). read more [here]( and [here]( -- SPSS uses type III. So let's aim to emulate (even though that might not always be [optimal]( --- ## Order invariant: SPSS uses Type III. ``` r # Type III errors require(car) require( Ancova<-lm(O~GRP+E, contrasts=list(GRP_fact=contr.sum), data=data_no_miss) Anova(Ancova, type="III") ``` ``` ## Anova Table (Type III tests) ## ## Response: O ## Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F) ## (Intercept) 17222 1 70.835 7.554e-15 *** ## GRP 10325 2 21.234 4.379e-09 *** ## E 9900 1 40.720 1.209e-09 *** ## Residuals 48383 199 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## post-hoc tests. ``` r require(multcomp) posth=glht(Ancova, linfct=mcp(GRP="Tukey")) ``` --- ## summary(posth) ``` r summary(posth) ##shows the output in a nice format ``` ``` ## ## Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses ## ## Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts ## ## ## Fit: lm(formula = O ~ GRP + E, data = data_no_miss, contrasts = list(GRP_fact = contr.sum)) ## ## Linear Hypotheses: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## Asian Internationals - European Americans == 0 4.837 2.789 1.734 ## Asian Americans - European Americans == 0 17.870 2.835 6.304 ## Asian Americans - Asian Internationals == 0 13.033 2.808 4.642 ## Pr(>|t|) ## Asian Internationals - European Americans == 0 0.195 ## Asian Americans - European Americans == 0 <1e-04 *** ## Asian Americans - Asian Internationals == 0 <1e-04 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method) ``` --- ## Sample write up. A one-way ANCOVA was conducted to compare Openness across groups whilst controlling for Extraversion. There was a significant effect of cultural group, _F_(2,199)=21.23, _p_<.0001. In addition, the effect of the covariate, Extraversion, was significant, _F_(1,199)=40.72, _p_<.0001. -- You would then describe the post-hoc differences and also explore how extraversion is associated with (e.g., correlation, plot.) --- ## Non-parametric alternative. Look at the 'lmPerm' package and [this]( --- ## MANOVA All the previous assumptions + (+ multicollinearity (not an assumption but a problem) -- Multivariate normality -- Homogeneity of _co_-variances. --- ## Multivariate Normality [Multivariate Shapiro test.]( (The Univariate's test bigger brother...). -- Sensitive to sample size, if large small deviations will lead to significance. ``` r require(RVAideMemoire) multivariatenorm<-dplyr::select(data_no_miss, -GRP,-ID) mshapiro.test(multivariatenorm) ``` ``` ## ## Multivariate Shapiro-Wilk normality test ## ## data: (N,E,O,A,C) ## W = 0.98577, p-value = 0.03887 ``` --- ## Alternative methods. A whole host of alternatives. More [here]( -- ``` r require(MVN) # Alternative method, one example mvn(multivariatenorm) ``` ``` ## $multivariateNormality ## Test HZ p value MVN ## 1 Henze-Zirkler 1.049975 0.01411504 NO ## ## $univariateNormality ## Test Variable Statistic p value Normality ## 1 Anderson-Darling N 0.3874 0.3848 YES ## 2 Anderson-Darling E 0.5247 0.1793 YES ## 3 Anderson-Darling O 0.6676 0.0802 YES ## 4 Anderson-Darling A 0.4504 0.2729 YES ## 5 Anderson-Darling C 0.6231 0.1034 YES ## ## $Descriptives ## n Mean Std.Dev Median Min Max 25th 75th Skew Kurtosis ## N 203 95.9064 21.23737 97 36 160 81.0 109.5 -0.1442702 -0.1102764 ## E 203 116.7291 19.93406 117 50 175 103.0 129.5 -0.1039661 0.6504353 ## O 203 116.4236 18.21999 115 72 166 104.0 127.0 0.3079877 -0.1699643 ## A 203 113.9261 18.29136 115 58 161 103.0 127.0 -0.2962256 0.1136037 ## C 203 111.7734 18.53971 112 57 171 98.5 124.0 0.1476949 0.4428221 ``` --- ## Conclusion: Multivariate normality Violated (but could be way worse, trust me ... ) ``` r mvn(multivariatenorm, multivariatePlot = "qq") ``` <img src="Lecture3-xaringan_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-44-1.png" width="300px" /> ``` ## $multivariateNormality ## Test HZ p value MVN ## 1 Henze-Zirkler 1.049975 0.01411504 NO ## ## $univariateNormality ## Test Variable Statistic p value Normality ## 1 Anderson-Darling N 0.3874 0.3848 YES ## 2 Anderson-Darling E 0.5247 0.1793 YES ## 3 Anderson-Darling O 0.6676 0.0802 YES ## 4 Anderson-Darling A 0.4504 0.2729 YES ## 5 Anderson-Darling C 0.6231 0.1034 YES ## ## $Descriptives ## n Mean Std.Dev Median Min Max 25th 75th Skew Kurtosis ## N 203 95.9064 21.23737 97 36 160 81.0 109.5 -0.1442702 -0.1102764 ## E 203 116.7291 19.93406 117 50 175 103.0 129.5 -0.1039661 0.6504353 ## O 203 116.4236 18.21999 115 72 166 104.0 127.0 0.3079877 -0.1699643 ## A 203 113.9261 18.29136 115 58 161 103.0 127.0 -0.2962256 0.1136037 ## C 203 111.7734 18.53971 112 57 171 98.5 124.0 0.1476949 0.4428221 ``` --- ## Solutions. Solution: Check for outliers, run analyses again. Report both! -- Transformations. [Box-Cox transform]( -- Central limit theorem to the rescue again! (also note Hotelling's `\(T^2\)` robust) <img src="" width="300px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Homogeneity of variance. As with the univariate case. So, you would run a series of tests such as Levene's Test and examine those. Not done here but you can run these on your own. --- ## Homogeneity of covariances: Box's M test. Approach with care. -- Very easily significant. Therefore, usually _p_=.001 as threshold. More [here]( -- ``` r require(heplots) #alternative is 'biotools' package. boxM(multivariatenorm, data_no_miss$GRP) ``` ``` ## ## Box's M-test for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices ## ## data: multivariatenorm ## Chi-Sq (approx.) = 40.668, df = 30, p-value = 0.09256 ``` --- ## MANOVA ``` r Manovamodel <- manova(cbind(N,E,A,O,C) ~ GRP, data = data_no_miss) summary(Manovamodel) ``` ``` ## Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) ## GRP 2 0.41862 10.43 10 394 1.106e-15 *** ## Residuals 200 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- ## MANOVA Other measures exist but Pillai's Trace is typically most common. You can find out more about them [here]( Also about the **math** (also see references). <img src="" width="450px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Report. Pillai's Trace most commonly reported. Sample report: A MANOVA was conducted with five dependent variables (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientousness, Agreeableness, and Openness to Experience) and cultural group as the between-subject factor. A statistically significant effect was found (Pillai's Trace= .42, _F_(10,394)=10.43, _p_<.0001). -- You would then report follow-up tests! (e.g., Univariate ANOVA's) -- In conclusion the personality profiles differ between these 3 groups. --- ## Follow up tests Univariate ANOVA's / plot your data / [Discriminant analysis]( --- ## Exercise. Using last week's Salaries dataset, test the assumptions for an ANOVA with monthly salary as dependent variable and academic rank as independent variable. Conduct an ANOVA with the appropriate post-hoc tests. What do you conclude? Conduct an alternative non-parametric test to the ANOVA. What do you conclude. Conduct an ANCOVA with gender as factor, and years since Ph.D. as covariate. What do you conclude? --- ## Exercise continued. Load the iris dataset, it is part of the [datasets package]( It is a famous dataset with measurements of 3 species of iris flowers. Test the assumptions for a MANOVA with Species as the between-subject factor and petal length and sepal length as dependent variables. Run the MANOVA. What do you conclude? Write up the result as you would do for a paper? BONUS: Plot one of the results from your analyses on the salaries database. BONUS: Conduct a follow up analysis or plot for the MANOVA. --- ## References (and further reading.) * Crawley, M. J. (2013). _The R book: Second edition._ New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. * Kassambara, A. (2017) STHDA: _[One way ANOVA in R]( * Kassambara, A. (2017) STHDA: _[Statistical tests and assumptions]( * Mangiafico, S. (2017) [rcompanion]( * Siegel, S. & Castellan, N.J. Jr. (1988). _Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences. 2nd Edn._ McGraw-Hill, New York. * Wickham, H., & Grolemund, G. (2017). _[R for data science]( Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. * Wilcox, R. (2012). Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Elsevier.