Induction PY0794

Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods


Image introduction

This page has some resources for those who already want to get going with PY0794: Quantitative methods.

Test your knowledge on undergraduate statistics.

  • A quiz to test your knowledge.

  • A shorter quiz on significance and your attitudes.

Make sure you read the first page. The surveys are approved by the local ethics committee.

I will still review some basic concepts of statistics and tests but I am counting that you come with the knowledge from your undergraduate degree.

Installing RStudio and R

  • Rstudio is available on the PCs where I will teach you but you will benefit if you have it on your own machine! So, I would encourage you to install this before the first class.

  • Install R and RStudio. Both are freely available software tools. Find R for your operating system (Windows, Mac (OSX),Linux): here. More detailed how to guide and/or step 1 and 2 from here. This contains youtube videos. Or check the not-so-scary-guide to R.

  • A screencast with a first look at the working environment in RStudio.

Course Manual

The course manual can be found here

Markdown tutorial.

RMarkdown combines R and Markdown. Markdown is a very basic language which is commonly used in programming, you can use it for websites but also for your code on Github.

Have a go with markdown at

Here is a video of me completing a markdown tutorial. Check out the links in the video comments as well.

Some other resources.

Here are some other resources to already get you going.