Research papers
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Pollet, T.V., Bovet, J., Renner, E., & Barrett, L. (2024, July 5th). An index of her own: An investigation of the proportion of women indexed in evolutionary psychology textbooks. PsyArxiv
Brown, G., Curtis, V., & Pollet, T.V. (2022, January 25th). Gender, self-disclosure and emotional closeness in friendships: an egocentric social network study. PsyArxiv
Szabelska, A., Pollet, T.V., Dujols, O., Klein, R.A., & IJzerman, H. (2021, February 25). A Tutorial for Exploratory Research: An Eight-Step Approach. PsyArxiv
Boothroyd, L.G., Pollet, T.V., Evans, E.H., Yi, Q., & Tovée, M.J. (2018, September 7th). Adaptation-like effects in body weight attractiveness are not simply norm based. PsyArxiv
2024/Accepted/in Press
140. Peperkoorn, L.S., Hill, R.A., Barton, R.A. & Pollet, T.V. (2024). Meta-analysis of the red advantage in combat sports. Scientific Reports, 14, 30822.
139. Murphy-Morgan, C., Hodgson, P., Pollet, T.V., & Neave, N. (2024). A qualitative study of the impact of hoarding behaviours and social networks on older peoples supported housing decisions. Health and Social Care in the Community 5513833.
138. Pollet, T.V., Bovet, J., Buhaenko, R., Cornelissen, P.L., & Tovée, M.J. (2024). Sample characteristics for quantitative analyses in Body Image: Issues of generalisability. Body Image, 49, 101714.
137. Linden, A.H., Pollet, T.V., & Hönekopp, J. (2024). Publication Bias in Psychology: A Closer Look at the Correlation Between Sample Size and Effect Size. PLoS ONE, 19(2) e0297075.
136. Roberts, S.G.B., Malcolm, C., McCarty, K., & Pollet, T.V. (2024). No relationships between self-reported Instagram use or type of use and mental well-being: A study using a nationally representative online sample of UK adults. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 18(1), Article 3.
135. Delaney, T. W., Pollet, T.V., & Cook, C. (2024). The mental well-being of Involuntary Celibates. Personality and Individual Differences, 218, 112474.
134. Thompson, A., & Pollet, T.V. (2024). An Exploratory Psychometric Network Analysis of Loneliness Scales in a Sample of Older Adults. Current Psychology, 43, 5428–5442.
133. Pollet, T.V., Bilalić, M., & Shepherd, L. (2024). Consequences of arbitrary binning the mid-point category in survey data: An illustration with student satisfaction in National Student Survey. Studies in Higher Education, 49(11), 1945–1964.
132. Cook, C., Pollet, T.V. & Callahan, J.L. (2023). Acting gender: Actors’ experiences of gender role conformity and hopes for their characters. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
131. Brown, R., Roberts, S. G. B., & Pollet, T.V. (2023). HEXACO personality factors and their associations with Facebook use and Facebook network characteristics. Psychological Reports,
130. Orhan, M. A., Collisson, B., Howell, J. L., Kowal, M., & Pollet, T.V. (2023). Comparing Foodie Calls in Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States: A Registered Replication Report. Psychological Reports, doi:10.1177/00332941231164079
129. Newman, A.V., Pollet, T.V., McCarty, K., Neave, N. & Saxton, T.K. (2023). Consistency of Eye Coloration Across Different Relationship Partners. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 291–300. doi:10.1007/s10508-022-02450-0
128. Cook, C., Callahan, J.L., Pollet, T.V., & Elliott, C. (2023). Gender(ed) performances: Women’s impression management in stand-up comedy. Human Relations, 77(4), 533-559. doi:10.1177/00187267221137996
127. Bainbridge, S., Allsopp, S., & Pollet, T.V. (2022). Gender differences and mask wearing: an observational study on a University campus and a mini-meta-analysis. Human Ethology, 37, 36-45.
126. Bilalić, M., Đokić, R., Koso-Drljević, M., Djapo, N. & Pollet, T.V. (2022). When (deliberate) practice is not enough – the role of intelligence, practice, and knowledge in academic performance. Current Psychology doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03336-z
125. Bovet, J., Tognetti, A., & Pollet, T.V. (2022). Methodological issues when using face prototypes: A case study on the Faceaurus dataset. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4, E48. doi:10.1017/ehs.2022.25
124. Thompson, A., Smith, M.A., McNeill, A., & Pollet, T.V. (2022). Friendships, loneliness and psychological well-being in older adults: A limit to the benefit of increasing the number friendships. Ageing & Society 1-26. doi:10.1017/S0144686X22000666
123. Rippon, D., Shepherd, J., Wakefield, S., Lee, A. & Pollet, T.V. (2022). The role of self-efficacy and self-esteem in mediating positive associations between functional social support and psychological well-being in people with a mental health diagnosis. Journal of Mental Health doi:10.1080/09638237.2022.2069695.
122. Pollet, T.V., Thompson, A., Malcolm, C., McCarty, K., Saxton, T.K., & Roberts, S.G.B. (2022). Are we measuring loneliness in the same way in men and women in the general population and in the older population? Two studies of measurement equivalence. PLoS ONE, 17(12), e0266167. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266167
121. Pollet, T.V., & Shepherd, L. (2022). Subscales in the National Student Survey (NSS): Some considerations on their structure. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(9), 1195-1211 doi:10.1080/0309877X.2022.2060069
120. Metcalfe, D., McKenzie, K., McCarty, K., Pollet, T.V., & Murray G. (2022). An exploration of the impact of contextual information on the emotion recognition ability of autistic adults. International Journal of Psychology, 57(3), 433-442. doi:10.1002/ijop.12834
119. Lloyd, A., Brown, G., & Pollet, T.V. (2021). A meta-analysis of the reliability of the Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory for Women (SSEI-W) measure. Psychology & Sexuality
118. Sillence, E., Saxton, T.K., & Pollet, T.V. (2021). Facebook: Social Uses and Anxiety - A Replication Attempt. Human Communication & Technology, 2(1), 19-36.
117. Cheyne, T., Smith, M.A., & Pollet, T.V. (2021). Egocentric network characteristics of persons with Type 1 Diabetes and their relationships to perceived social support and well-being. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 662-680.
116. Pollet, T.V., Dawson, S., Tovée, M.J., Cornelissen, P.L., & Cornelissen, K.K. (2021). Engagement with fat talk as a function of social comparison and body image concerns: Two replication studies support main effects but do not support an interaction effect. Body Image, 38, 317-324.
115. Mohamed, S., Kramer, R.S.S, Thornborrow, T., Pollet, T.V., Cornelissen, P.L., & Tovée, M.J. (2021). 3D visualisation of psychometric judgements of the ideal male body. Body Image, 38, 295-305.
114. Brown, R.M., Roberts, S.G.B., & Pollet, T.V. (2021). Loneliness is negatively related to Facebook network size, but not related to Facebook network structure. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 15(2), article 6.
113. Finister, C., Pollet, T.V., & Neave, N. (2021). An exploratory factor analysis of the Nerdy Personality Attributes Scale in a sample of self-identified nerds/geeks. The Social Science Journal
112. Malcolm, C., Saxton, T.K., McCarty, K., Roberts, S.G.B., & Pollet, T.V. (2021). Extraversion is associated with advice network size, but not network density or emotional closeness to network members. Personality and Individual Differences, 168 110311
111. Haigh, M., Birch, H.A. & Pollet, T.V. (2020). Does ‘Scientists believe’? imply ‘All scientists believe…’? Individual differences in the interpretation of generic news headlines. Collabra: Psychology, 6, 17174.
109. Saxton, T.K., Pollet, T.V., Panagakis, J., Round, E., Brown, S., & Lobmaier, J. (2020). Children aged 7 – 9 prefer cuteness in baby faces, and femininity in women’s faces. Ethology, 126, 1048-1060.
108. Elder, G.J., Wetherell, M.A., Pollet, T.V., Barclay, N.L., & Ellis, J.G. (2020). Experienced demand does not affect subsequent sleep and the cortisol awakening response. Nature and Science of Sleep, 12, 537-543.
107. Simanko, V., Rimmer, B., & Pollet, T.V. (2020). No evidence that middleborns feel less close to family and closer to friends than other birth orders. Heliyon, 6, e03825. open access
106. Pollet, T.V. & Saxton, T.K. (2020). Jealousy as a Function of Rival Characteristics: Two Large Replication Studies and Meta-Analyses Support Gender Differences in Reactions to Rival Attractiveness But Not Dominance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(10), 1428-1443.
105. McCarrick, D.J., Brewer, G., Lyons, M., Pollet, T.V., & Neave, N. (2020). Referee height influences decision making in British football leagues. BMC Psychology, 8, 4. open access
104. Saxton, T.K., McCarty, K., Caizley, J., McCarrick, D., & Pollet, T.V. (2020). Hungry People Prefer Larger Bodies and Objects: The Importance of Testing Boundary Effects. British Journal of Psychology, 111, 492-507.
103. Irwing, P., Cook, C., Pollet, T.V., & Hughes, D. (2020). Comedians’ mean level and stage personalities: Evidence for goal-directed personality adaptation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(4), 590-602.
102. Cornelissen, K.K., Widdrington, H., McCarty, K., Pollet, T.V., Tovée, M.J., & Cornelissen, P.L. (2019). Are attitudinal and perceptual body image the same or different? Evidence from high-level adaptation. Body Image, 31, 35–47.
101. Saxton, T.K., Hart, S., Desai, L., & Pollet, T.V. (2019). Can people detect ideological stance from facial photographs? Human Ethology, 34, 17–25.
100. Knapen, J.E.P, Pollet, T.V., & van Vugt, M. (2019). When Better Seems Bigger: Perceived Performance of Adult Professional Football Players Is Positively Associated With Perceptions of Their Body Size. Evolutionary Psychology, 17,
99. Metcalfe, D., McKenzie, K., McCarty, K., & Pollet, T.V. (2019). Emotion recognition from body movement and gesture in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is improved by situational cues. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 86, 1–10.
98. Irvine, K.R., McCarty, K., Pollet, T.V., Cornelissen, K.K., Tovée, M.J., & Cornelissen, P.L. (2019). The visual cues that drive the self-assessment of body size: dissociation between fixation patterns and the key areas of the body for accurate judgement. Body Image, 29, 31-46.
97. Pollet, T.V., & Saxton, T.K. (2019). How diverse are the samples used in the journals ‘Evolution & Human Behavior’ and ‘Evolutionary Psychology’?. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 5, 357–368. open access
96. Pollet, T.V., Costello, J., Groeneboom, L., Peperkoorn, L.S., & Wu, J. (2019). Do red objects enhance sexual attractiveness? No evidence from two large replications. Displays, 56, 23-29.
95. Manesi, Z., Van Lange, P.A.M., Van Doesum, N.J., & Pollet, T.V. (2019). What are the most powerful predictors of charitable giving to victims of typhoon Haiyan: Prosocial traits, socio-demographic variables, or eye cues? Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 217-225.
94. Irvine, K.R., McCarty, K., McKenzie, K.J., Pollet, T.V., Cornelissen, K.K., Tovée, M.J., & Cornelissen, P.L. (2019). Distorted body image influences body schema in individuals with negative bodily attitudes. Neuropsychologia, 122, 38-50.
93. Martin, R., Metcalfe, D., Pollet, T.V., McCarty, K., & McKenzie, K. (2019). A preliminary investigation into the relationship between empathy, autistic like traits and emotion recognition. Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 12-16
92. Pollet, T.V., Saxton, T.K. & Mitchell, M. (2018). Measurement equivalence between men and women in the abbreviated social and emotional loneliness scale for adults (SELSA). Interpersona, 12, 283-292.
91. Morina, N., Stam, K., Pollet, T.V., & Priebe, S. (2018). Prevalence of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder in adult civilian survivors of war who stay in war-afflicted regions. A systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 239, 328-338.
90. O’Dowd, E. & Pollet, T.V. (2018). Gender Differences in Use of a Pedestrian Crossing: An Observational Study in Newcastle upon Tyne. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 9(1), 1-4.
89. Tulin, M., Pollet, T.V., & Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. (2018). Perceived group cohesion versus actual social structure: A study using social network analysis of egocentric Facebook networks. Social Science Research, 74, 161-175.
88. Ronay, R., van der Meij, L., Oostrom, J.K. & Pollet, T.V., (2018). No Evidence for a Relationship Between Hair Testosterone Concentrations and 2D:4D ratio or Risk Taking. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 30.
87. Knapen, J.E.P, Blaker, N.M. & Pollet, T.V., (2017). Size, Skills, and Suffrage: Motivated Distortions in Perceived Formidability of Political Leaders. PLoS ONE, 12(12), e0188485.
86. Pollet, T.V., Stoevenbelt, A.H. & Kuppens, T. (2017). The potential pitfalls of studying adult sex ratios at aggregate levels in humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 372, 20160317.
85. Manesi, Z. & Pollet, T.V. (2017). No Support for the Watching Eyes Effect Across Three “Lost Letter” Field Experiments. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 8, 12-15.
84. Pollet, T.V. & Little, A.C. (2017). Baseline probabilities for two-alternative forced choice tasks when judging stimuli in Evolutionary Psychology: a methodological note. Human Ethology Bulletin, 32, 53-59.
83. McFarland, R., Murphy, D., Lusseau, D., Henzi, S.P., Parker, J.L., Pollet, T.V. & Barrett, L. (2017). The “strength of weak ties” among female baboons: fitness-related benefits of social bonds. Animal Behaviour, 126, 101-106.
82. Stulp, G., Simons, M.J.P., Grasman, S. & Pollet, T.V. (2017). Assortative mating for human height: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Human Biology, 29, e22917
81. Pollet, T.V. & van der Meij L. (2017). To remove or not to remove: the impact of outlier handling on significance testing in testosterone data. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3, 43-60.
80. Peperkoorn, L.S., Roberts, S.C. & Pollet, T.V. (2016), Revisiting the Red Effect on Attractiveness and Sexual Receptivity: No Effect of the Color Red on Human Mate Preferences. Evolutionary Psychology, 14, doi:10.1177/1474704916673841
79. Morina, N., Koerssen, R. & Pollet, T.V. (2016). Interventions for children and adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of comparative outcome studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 47, 41-54.
78. Molho, C., Roberts, S.G.B., de Vries, R.E. & Pollet, T.V. (2016). The Six Dimensions of Personality (HEXACO) and their Association with Network Layer Size and Emotional Closeness to Network Members. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 144-148.
77. de Vries, R.E., Tybur, J.M., Pollet, T.V. & van Vugt, M. (2016). Evolution, Situational Affordances, and the HEXACO Model of Personality. Evolution and Human Behavior. 37, 407-421.
76. Manesi, Z., van Lange, P.A.M. & Pollet, T.V. (2016). Eyes Wide Open: Only Eyes That Pay Attention Promote Prosocial Behavior. Evolutionary Psychology, 14, doi:10.1177/1474704916640780
75. Bech-Sørensen, J. & Pollet, T.V. (2016). Sex differences in Mate Preferences: A Replication Study, 20 Years Later. Evolutionary Psychological Science. doi:10.1007/s40806-016-0048-6 .
74. Noë, N., Whitaker, R.M., Chorley, M.J. & Pollet, T.V. (2016). Birds of a Feather Locate Together? Foursquare Checkins and Personality Homophily. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 343-353.
73. Tifferet, S., Pollet, T.V., Bar, A & Efrati, H. (2016). Predicting Sibling Investment by Perceived Sibling Resemblance. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.,10, 64-70.
72. Demetriou, A.M. & Pollet T.V. (2015). Age differences between U.S. Politicians and Their Spouses: Similar to the Super Rich or more like your average Joe? Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 6, 29-32.
71. Manesi, Z., van Lange, P.A.M. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). The Potential Role of Eyespots for Aesthetic Preferences and Conservation Attitudes towards Butterflies. PLoS ONE, 10, e0141433.
70. Pollet, T.V. (2015). Grounding the data. A response to: Population finiteness is not a concern for null hypothesis significance testing when studying human behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1169.
69. Barrett, L., Stulp, G. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). Evolved Biocultural Beings (who Invented Computers). Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1047.
68. Kuppens, T. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). Gender Equality Probably Does Not Affect Performance at the Olympic Games: A Comment on Berdahl, Uhlmann, and Bai (2015). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 61, 144-147. additional comments and additional analyses + R script
67. Conway, J.R.*, Noë, N.*, Stulp, G. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). Finding your Soulmate: Homosexual and heterosexual age preferences in online dating. Personal Relationships, 22, 666-678. (*Authors contributed equally)
66. Stulp, G., Pollet, T.V. & Barrett, L. (2015). The not-always-uniquely-predictive power of an evolutionary approach to understanding our not-so-computational nature. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 419.
65. Pollet, T.V., Stulp, G., Henzi, S.P. & Barrett, L., (2015). Taking the aggravation out of data aggregation: a conceptual guide to dealing with statistical issues related to the pooling of individual-level observational data. American Journal of Primatology, 77, 727-740.
64. Stulp, G., Buunk, A.P., Verhulst, S. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). Height Is Positively Related to Interpersonal Dominance in Dyadic Interactions. PLoS ONE, 10, e0117860.
63. Van Toorenburg, M., Oostrom, J.K. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). What a Difference Your Email Makes: Effects of Informal E-mail Addresses in Online Résumé Screening. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18, 135-140.
62. Van Prooijen, J-W., Krouwel, A.P.M. & Pollet, T.V. (2015). Political Extremism Predicts Belief in Conspiracy Theories. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6, 570-578.
61. Ludwig, Y.S. & Pollet, T.V. (2014). When men appear smaller or larger than they really are: preliminary evidence that women are fooled by size illusions in attractiveness judgment tasks. Anthropological Review, 77, 299-329.
60. Kuppens, T. & Pollet, T.V. (2014). Mind the level: Problems with two recent nation-level analyses in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1110.
59. Barrett, L., Pollet, T.V. & Stulp, G. (2014). From computers to cultivation: reconceptualizing evolutionary psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 867.
58. Tybur, J.M., Frankenhuis, W.E., & Pollet, T.V. (2014). Behavioral immune system methods: Surveying the past to shape the future. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 8, 274-283.
57. Pollet, T.V. (2014). A re-analysis of the relationship between “parasite stress” and authoritarianism. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 638.
56. Stulp, G., Mills, M., Pollet, T.V. & Barrett, L. (2014). Non-linear associations between stature and mate choice characteristics for American men and their spouses. American Journal of Human Biology, 26, 530-537.
55. Pollet, T.V. & Riegman, B.R. (2014). Opponent left-handedness does not affect fight outcomes for Ultimate Fighting Championship hall of famers. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 375.
54. Hill, J.M., Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2014). Disorder affects judgements about a neighbourhood: Police presence does not. PeerJ, 2, e287.
53. Hill, J.M., Jobling, R., Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2014). Social capital across urban neighborhoods: A comparison of self-report and observational data. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 8, 59-69.
52. Pollet, T.V., Tybur, J.M., Frankenhuis, W.E. & Rickard I.J. (2014). What can cross-cultural correlations teach us about human nature?. Human Nature, 25, 419-429.
51. Mo, J.J.Y., Cheung, K., Gledhill, L.J., Pollet, T.V., Boothroyd, L.G. & Tovée, M.J. (2014). Perceptions of female body size and shape in China, Hong Kong and the UK. Cross-Cultural Research, 48, 78-103.
50. Cobey, K.D., Buunk, A.P., Pollet, T.V., Klipping, C. & Roberts S.C. (2013). Men perceive their female partners, and themselves, as more attractive around ovulation. Biological Psychology, 94, 513-516.
49. Pollet, T.V. (2013). Much ado about p. What does a p value mean when testing hypotheses with aggregated cross-cultural data in the field of evolution and human behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 734.
48. Pollet, T.V., Stulp, G. & Groothuis, A.G.G. (2013). Born to win? Testing the fighting hypothesis in realistic fights: left-handedness in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Animal Behaviour, 86, 839-843.
47. Pollet, T.V., Pratt, S.E., Edwards, G. & Stulp, G. (2013). The golden years: Men from the Forbes 400 have much younger wives when remarrying than the general US Population. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 4, 5-8.
46. Pollet, T.V. & Peperkoorn, L.S. (2013). Fading Red? No Evidence that Colour of Trunks Influences Outcomes in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 643
45. Dalley, S.E., Pollet, T.V. & Vidal, J. (2013). Body Size and Body Dissatisfaction in Women: The Mediating Role of Possible Self Expectancy. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 10, 411-414.
44. Pollet, T.V., Cobey, K.D. & van der Meij, L. (2013). Testosterone levels are negatively associated with fatherhood in males, but positively related to offspring count in fathers. PLoS ONE, 8, e60018.
43. Cobey, K.D.*, Stulp, G.*, Laan, F., Buunk, A.P. & Pollet, T.V. (2013). Sex differences in risk taking behavior among Dutch cyclists. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 350-364. (*Authors contributed equally)
42. Stulp, G., Buunk, A.P. & Pollet, T.V. (2013). Women want taller men more than men want shorter women. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 877-883.
41. Stulp, G., Buunk, A.P., Verhulst, S. & Pollet, T.V. (2013). Tall claims? Sense and nonsense about the importance of height of US presidents. The Leadership Quarterly, 24, 159-171.
40. Pollet, T.V., Roberts, S.G.B. & Dunbar, R.I.M. (2013). Going that extra mile: Individuals travel further to maintain face-to-face contact with highly related kin than with less related kin. PLoS ONE, 8, e53929.
39. Stulp, G., Buunk, A.P., Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D. & Verhulst, S. (2013). Are Human Mating Preferences with Respect to Height Reflected in Actual Pairings?. PLoS ONE, 8, e54186.
38. Stulp, G., Kuijper, B., Buunk, A.P., Pollet, T.V. & Verhulst, S. (2012). Intralocus Sexual Conflict over Human Height. Biology Letters, 8, 976-978.
37. Boothroyd, L.G., Tovée, M.J. & Pollet, T.V. (2012). Visual Diet versus Associative Learning as Mechanisms of Change in Body Size Preferences. PLoS ONE, 7, e48691.
36. Dalley, S.E., Toffanin, P. & Pollet, T.V. (2012). Dietary Restraint in College Women: Fear of an Imperfect Fat Self is Stronger than Hope of a Perfect Thin Self. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 9, 441-447.
35. Stulp, G., Buunk, A.P., Verhulst, S. & Pollet, T.V. (2012). High and Mighty: height increases authority in professional refereeing. Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 588-601.
34. Pollet, T.V., Nelissen, M. & Nettle, D. (2012). A ‘gendered need’ explanation does not fully explain lineage based differences in grandparental investment found in a large British Cohort study. Journal of Biosocial Science, 44, 377-381.
33. Stirrat, M., Stulp, G. & Pollet, T.V. (2012). Bizygomatic width is associated with death by contact violence in a forensic sample: Narrow-faced males are more likely to die from contact violence. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 551-556.
32. Stulp, G., Verhulst, S., Pollet, T.V. & Buunk, A.P. (2012). The Effect of Female Height on Reproductive Success Is Negative in Western Populations, But More Variable in Non-Western Populations. American Journal of Human Biology, 24, 486-494.
31. Cobey, K.D., Buunk, A.P., Roberts S.C., Klipping, C., Appels, N., Zimmerman, Y., Coelingh Bennink H. & Pollet, T.V. (2012). Reported jealousy differs as a function of menstrual cycle stage and contraceptive pill use: a within-subjects investigation. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 395-401.
30. Kuppens, T., Pollet, T.V., Teixeira, C.P., Demoulin, S., Roberts, S.C. & Little, A.C. (2012). Emotions in context: Anger causes ethnic bias but not gender bias in men but not women. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 432-441.
29. Buunk, A.P., Pollet, T.V. & Dubbs, S.L. (2012). Parental Control over Mate Choice to Prevent Marriages with Out-group Members: A Study among Mestizos, Mixtecs, and Blacks in Mexico. Human Nature, 23, 360-374.
28. Stulp, G., Pollet, T.V., Verhulst, S. & Buunk, A.P. (2012). A curvilinear effect of height on reproductive success in human males. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66, 375-384.
27. Klavina, L., Buunk, A.P. & Pollet, T.V. (2011). Out-group mating threat and disease threat increase implicit negative attitudes toward the out-group among men. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 76.
26. Stulp, G., Verhulst, S., Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D. & Buunk, A.P. (2011). Parental height differences predict the need for an emergency caesarean section. PLoS ONE, 6, e20497.
25. Pollet, T.V., van der Meij, L., Cobey, K.D. & Buunk, A.P. (2011). Testosterone levels and their associations with lifetime number of opposite sex partners and remarriage in a large sample of American elderly men and women. Hormones and Behavior, 60, 72-77.
24. Pollet, T.V., Roberts, S.G.B. & Dunbar, R.I.M. (2011). Extraverts have larger social network layers but do not feel emotionally closer to individuals at any layer. Journal of Individual Differences, 32, 161-169.
23. Jokela, M., Alvergne, A., Pollet, T.V. & Lummaa, V. (2011). Reproductive Behavior and Personality Traits of the Five Factor Model. European Journal of Personality, 25, 487-500.
22. Pollet, T.V., Roberts, S.G.B. & Dunbar, R.I.M. (2011). Use of social network sites and instant messaging does not lead to increased offline social network size, or to emotionally closer relationships with offline network members. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 14, 253-258.
21. Cobey, K.D., Pollet, T.V., Roberts, S.C. & Buunk, A.P. (2011). Hormonal birth control use and relationship jealousy: Evidence for estrogen dosage effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 315-317.
20. Pollet, T.V., Dijkstra, P. Barelds, D.P.H. & Buunk, A.P. (2010). Birth Order and the Dominance Aspect of Extraversion: Are Firstborns More Extraverted than Laterborns?. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 742-745.
19. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2010). No evidence for the Generalized Trivers-Willard Hypothesis from rural Guatemalan and British data. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8, 74-97.
18. Herberich, E., Hothorn, T., Nettle, D. & Pollet, T.V. (2010). A re-evaluation of the model selection procedure in Pollet & Nettle (2009). Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 150-151.
17. Buunk, A.P., Pollet, T.V., Klavina, L., Figueredo, A.J. & Dijkstra, P. (2009). Height is curvilinearly related to women’s life history strategies. Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 545-559. open access
16. Pollet, T.V., Fawcett, T.W., Buunk, A.P. & Nettle, D. (2009). Sex ratio biasing towards daughters among lower-ranking co-wives in Rwanda. Biology letters, 5, 765–768.
15. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2009). Dead or alive? Knowledge about a sibling’s death varies by genetic relatedness in a Modern society. Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 57-65. open access
14. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2009). Birth order and family relationships in adult life: Firstborns report better sibling relationships than laterborns. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 1029-1046.
13. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2009). Market forces affect patterns of polygyny in Uganda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – USA, 106, 2114-2117.
12. Roberts, S.G.B., Dunbar, R.I.M., Pollet, T.V. & Kuppens, T. (2009). Exploring variation in active network size. Social Networks, 31, 138-146.
11. Pollet, T.V., Nelissen, M. & Nettle, D. (2009). Lineage based differences in grandparental investment: Evidence from a large British cohort study. Journal of Biosocial Science, 41, 353-379.
10. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2009). Partner wealth predicts self-reported orgasm frequency in a sample of Chinese women. Evolution and Human Behavior, 30, 146-151. - also see here) and here.
9. Nettle, D. & Pollet, T.V. (2008). Natural selection for male wealth. American Naturalist, 172, 658-666.
8. Pollet, T.V. & Dunbar, R.I.M. (2008). Childlessness predicts helping of nieces and nephews in United States, 1910. Journal of Biosocial Science, 40, 761-770.
7. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2008). Driving a hard bargain: Sex ratio and male marriage success in a historical U.S. population, 1910. Biology Letters, 4, 31-33.
6. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2008). Taller women do better in a stressed environment: Height and reproductive success in rural Guatemalan women. American Journal of Human Biology, 20, 264-269.
5. Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D. & Nelissen, M. (2007). Maternal grandmothers do go the extra mile: factoring distance and lineage into differential investment in grandchildren. Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 832-843.
4. Pollet, T.V. & Nettle, D. (2007). Birth order and face-to-face contact with a sibling: Firstborns have more contact than laterborns. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1796-1806.
3. Pollet, T.V. (2007). Genetic relatedness and sibling relationship characteristics in a modern society. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 176-185.
2. Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D. & Nelissen, M. (2006). Contact frequencies between grandparents and grandchildren in a modern society: Estimates of the impact of paternity uncertainty. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 4, 203-214.
1. Pollet, T.V., Kuppens, T. & Dunbar, R.I.M. (2006). When nieces and nephews become important: Differences between childless women and mothers in relationships with nieces and nephews. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 4, 83-93.
Book chapters
Buunk, A.P., Massar, K., Pollet, T.V. & Dijkstra, P. (2011). Intrasexual competition within organizations. In: Saad, G. (ed.). Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences (pp. 41-70). New York: Springer.
Pollet, T.V. & Hoben A.D. (2011). An evolutionary perspective on siblings: rivals and resources. In: Salmon C.A. & Shackelford T. K. (eds.). Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology (pp. 128-148). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Buunk, A.P., & Pollet, T.V. (2009). Evolutionaire Sociale Psychologie. In Tiemeyer, W., Thomas, C.A. & Prast, H. (Eds.). De menselijke beslisser: over de psychologie van keuze en gedrag (pp. 239-267). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.