Today I’ll give a five minutes lightning talk on sampling in Body Image. A lot to be unpacked but in a nut shell: these samples tend to differ from the general population.
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A talk about rankings of universities in student guides
Tomorrow, I’ll give a talk on robust ranking methods as applied to rankings in student guides. A lot to be unpacked but in a nut shell when we applied some ranking methods from other fields we might get different conclusions.
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Technicians talk
Today, I am presenting about UKRN for a technicians event at Northumbria University. It is a bit bittersweet as this is my last act as UKRN Institution lead.
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Be(e) Awesome talk
Tomorrow, I’ll give a lightning talk on a small funded project which we are about to launch. It deals with bees - well more accurately pollinators. Local parks have set up some interventions which might help pollinators and this pilot project we will examine how these might be received by...
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Talk on open research projects.
Yesterday, I gave a short talk about two open research projects which we recently conducted. You can find the slides here. I rushed through it but it is 90% gifs. You can navigate via arrows. The slides were made with Xaringan. The biblionetrics project lives here. At present, there is...
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