Prof. Thomas Pollet

This page will feature updates on my work.

Secondary Data.

A small post about a new resource on my website. As COVID-19 is causing a lot of disruption, a minor part is to student projects. Students who were planning on collecting data in person can no longer do so. Now obviously a lot of research can move to online data... [Read More]
Tags: teaching, data resources, thesis projects

NU Experience day - talking about jealousy again

A very brief post to highlight a session which I gave last week to our prospective students, slides can be found here. I have picked the same topic as for the Master students as t also allows me to do some shameless self-promotion of our forthcoming paper in Personality and... [Read More]
Tags: Teaching, Jealousy, Classics, Meta-analysis

Teaching - Classics in Psychology... on jealousy (Buss et al. 1992).

A very brief post to highlight a session which I gave last week to our MSc. Psychology students (Conversion degree), slides can be found here. I was asked by a colleague to pick a classic study within my area of interest. Classic here does not mean personal favourite, but I... [Read More]
Tags: Teaching, Jealousy, Classics, Meta-analysis

Paper on jealousy accepted for Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin!

A good start to the year! Our paper is now accepted at Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Across two large studies we investigated gender differences in jealousy in response to rival attractiveness and dominance of the rival. We then performed a meta-analysis, this supported an effect of rival attractiveness but... [Read More]
Tags: Research, Jealousy, exciting-stuff, Replication, Meta-analysis