General info.
The course runs for the first time in sept. 2017. I’ll aim to make all my materials available. The sources are listed at the end of each lecture as well as embedded. (Please also note the disclaimer)
Course manual.
You can find a course manual here
Lecture 10 and .rmd
Lecture 11 and .rmd
Starting week 6 you’ll also need this .css
Exercise 1 and .rmd
Exercise 2 and .rmd
Exercise 3 and .rmd
Exercise 4 and .rmd
Exercise 5 and .rmd
Exercise 6 and .rmd
Exercise 7 and .rmd
Exercise 8 and .rmd
Exercise 9 and .rmd
Exercise 10 and .rmd
Youtube channel.
Occasional screencasts can be found here. Unfortunately incomplete for first lecture. I’ll aim to make screencasts for recurrent questions by students.
Statistical Glossary.
Struggling with some terms. Have a look here